Wear and Tear Guide


If the mileage on the vehicle exceeds your predetermined limit, you will be charged a per-mile fee in accordance with your signed agreements.


Normal wear can include a few small door dings, chips or scratches and you will not be charged. These are expected from the normal use of a vehicle. Excess wear may include items such as dents, cracks in glass, tears in the upholstery or poor-quality repairs. These are not expected from the normal use of a vehicle and may warrant charges. Review the Excess Wear and Tear Table for a comprehensive list.

Avoid Excess Charges

Check with your insurance company to see if any damage is covered by your insurance. This could help you avoid out-of-pocket costs.


Tire tread must be 4/32” or greater. Use a penny to determine if the tire tread meets our requirements by placing the coin upside-down in the lowest tread on the tire. If the tread passes Lincoln’s face, the tread should be acceptable.


Two scratches that are less than 3” on a wheel may be considered normal; however, any scratches 3” or greater would be considered excessive.

Minor Scratches

A few small scratches are normal and acceptable on a used vehicle. These can usually be buffed out easily during a routine vehicle reconditioning.

Excess Scratches

Multiple scratches or scratches that break the paint are much more difficult and costly to repair. This would be considered excess wear and you may be charged.

Excess Wear and Tear Table

Refer to the list below to determine if your vehicle has excess wear.

Stains: Stains that require a deep cleaning or those that cannot be removed and require the interior section to be replaced

Tears: Cuts, tears and/or rips on carpet, upholstery or interior

Burns: Burns on carpet, upholstery or interior sections

Odors: Smells such as cigarette smoke, mold or pet odor

Cleanliness: Any excessive grime, including dust, dirt, mud, debris or other impurities

Power Equipment: Non-operational, malfunctioning equipment or missing equipment

Scratches and Scuffs: Scratches that break the paint that are 4” or more in length

Dents and Dings: Dents and dings that do not break the paint of any size that occur more than three times on one panel or any number of dents and/or dings that do not break the paint that are more than 2” in diameter

Chips: 11 or more chips measuring less than 1/8”

Previous Repairs: Previous repairs to the vehicle must have been facilitated through an authorized service provider. Mismatched paint or parts; swirls, bubbles, debris or defects of any type in repainted areas; any substandard repair due to inferior or mismatched replacement parts.

Rust and Corrosion: Any visible rust and/or corrosion

Glass and Lenses
Cracked/Chipped/Broken: Two or more chips less than or equal to 1/4” in diameter; any chips, crack or scratches (not able to be buffed) greater than 1/4” in diameter; or any chips, scratches and cracks in the driver’s line of sight

Tires and Wheels
Tires: Tread depths less than 4/32”; tires that do not meet our standards for size and/or rating (speed and seasonal); mismatched tires (other than brand); or dry rot, cupped, cut or sidewall plugs

Wheel: Any bent or broken part, missing or corroded wheel covers; mismatched wheels; three or more scratches, gouges or dents per wheel

Mechanical/Electrical: Missing, non-operational or malfunctioning equipment; replacement part(s) that do not meet our specifications; substandard repairs

Vehicle Maintenance: Vehicle should be maintained according to manufacturer maintenance requirements. Failure to replace maintenance items if they are dirty, low, worn or not in working order

Missing/Broken Parts
Missing equipment, broken parts and accessories (e.g., owners manual, key fobs, etc.)

Aftermarket Items
Any unauthorized vehicle modifications or alterations; damage caused by the installation or removal of parts and accessories

Note: This chart is not all-inclusive. You may be charged for items not represented on this chart.


Contact us via phone, text or email with any questions about this guide.